gold and black metal toolPhoto by Jingming Pan
  • Endeavour Mining and Lilium Gold have settled legal disputes involving the Boungou and Wahgnion mines in Burkina Faso.
  • Lilium will transfer mine ownership to the State, and Endeavour will receive $60 million in cash and a 3% royalty on gold sales.

August 27 2024 06:00:43 UTC– Endeavour Mining plc and Lilium Gold signed a settlement agreement with the State of Burkina Faso for the divestment of the Boungou and Wahgnion mines.

Lilium will transfer ownership to the State, and Endeavour will receive $60 million and a 3% royalty on gold sales from Wahgnion mine.

Strategic Shift for the Burkina Faso State

This deal allows the government to gain a foothold in the mining sector. Traditionally, the state has been a regulator but not a direct participant in mining operations. This move could be seen as an attempt to exert more control and potentially capture more value from the country’s natural resources.

Endeavour Mining is the largest operation in West Africa, with assets across Senegal, Cote d’Ivoire and Burkina Faso and the Birimian Greenstone Belt across West Africa.

Resource-rich Developing Countries

Burkina Faso, like many resource-rich developing countries, faces the challenge of balancing foreign investment in its mining sector with national interests. The government’s move to gain ownership stakes is part of a broader trend in Africa, where states seek more control and a larger share of the benefits from their natural resources. However, transitioning from regulation to ownership requires navigating significant operational, financial, and governance challenges.

No more legal issues

Legal proceedings will cease, thanks to the Government of Burkina Faso’s mediation.

This agreement reflects a complex negotiation that balances the interests of all parties: Endeavour avoids legal disputes and secures future income, Lilium steps back from potential conflicts, and Burkina Faso gains a strategic position in its mining sector. The long-term success of this deal will depend on how well Burkina Faso manages its new role and whether it can indeed create a national benchmark in mining management.

Read this article in French.
More on gold mining in Africa.
Kleber Silva rises in mining.

By Lisa Luckas

Lisa Luckas is a Sr. Business News Editor at Nobot.News.

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